Population grouped according to age in the area containing the listing.
0 - 4 years old (126)
5 - 9 years old (38)
10 - 19 years old (91)
20 - 34 years old (2769)
35 - 49 years old (729)
50 - 54 years old (125)
55 - 64 years old (186)
65 - 69 years old (58)
70 - 79 years old (61)
80 - 84 years old (12)
85+ years old (12)
Population Growth/Projection
Past and expected changes in population.
Highest level of education from an accredited institution, based on evaluation rather than attendance.
No cert. / Diploma / Degree (108)
High school (36)
Apprenticeship / Trade cert. / Diploma (12)
Non-university cert. / Diploma (34)
University cert. / Diploma below bachelor (78)
University degree (3705)
Marital Status
Marital or formal relationship statuses.
Married (829)
Common law (568)
Single (2301)
Separated (83)
Divorced (163)
Widowed (29)
Self-identified first language or combination of languages spoken in the area.
English (3209)
Persian (212)
Arabic (90)
Tagalog (86)
French (69)
Korean (54)
Chinese n.o.s (51)
Bengali (48)
Russian (48)
OtherLanguages (286)
Household income
The combined gross income of all the members of a household who are 15 years old and older. Individuals do not have to be related to be considered members of the same household.
$0 - $29,999 (528)
$30,000 - $59,999 (778)
$60,000 - $79,999 (426)
$80,000 - $99,999 (299)
$100,000 - $149,999 (375)
$150,000 - $199,999 (183)
$200,000+ (287)
Children at Home
Children at home includes: never married sons or daughters, previously married sons or daughters (alone); grandchildren with no parent present.
0 - 4 years old (64)
5 - 9 years old (10)
10 - 14 years old (8)
15 - 19 years old (25)
20 - 24 years old (26)
25+ years old (54)
Those living spaces that are owned, rented.
Own (861)
Rent (2015)
Construction Date
Ranges for the years in which properties in the area were built.
2006 - 2010 (138)
2011 - 2016 (1892)
After 2016 (843)
Based on the total labour force, occupation is a grouping of similar job tasks and work performed.